Tuesday, February 15, 2011

J.Lo & Marc Anthony's Gatsby Manor Gone Glam

"J.Lo and Marc Anthony have recently transformed their Long Island Gatsby manor into a glamorous silver-screened setting fit for family living", says Vogue Living. J.Lo is one of my favorite celebrity muses! Ok, maybe it's fair to say she is one of my idols. It's always interesting to go backstage and see the beautiful homes of these awesome celebs. J.Lo and Marc Anthony's Long Island home was one I was enamored by. The couple needed to make their newly remodeled home family-friendly. The outcome of their home was great. It's family-friendly, but doesn't sacrifice the portrayal of the glamorous lifestyles they lead. The house represents a cohesive balance of Glam and Fam. Check it out!

OMG...I am loving this beautifully sculptured dress. It is to die for! J.Lo looks amazing of course.

Unfortunately... I didn't come across any pictures of the Master Bedroom. Hope you enjoyed this backstage pass.
